The article starts by saying, "We all experience occasional mental blips. The brain's wires cross and drop a name or forget a detail." Reading that definitely caught my attention because I certainly have dealt with that, so I wanted to know why that was and to find out what I can do about it. A lot of us had the situations this article listed happen to us before such as; walking into the kitchen forgetting what you needed once you got there, you forget a persons name, or even leaving your phone at home. In the, How The Brain Ages section it says, "Memory relies on our capacity to sustain attention and acquire and process information." So even though some of us have these forgetful situations at our ages now, it's not until 40 that we notice the impact on our ability to recall conversations or remember names. When we get older, our brain is still able to get "fixed." In the, Why You Forget Things section, I learned we forget things because a lack of sleep, because sleep deprivation and disrupted sleep "tends to impair normal memory consolidation." Multitasking plays a part too, because by trying to remember multiple things at once, can "weaken our ability to retain information." Technology too, because looking at a screen for too long, "becomes a distraction that interferes with focus, attention, and ability to remember." Last but not least, Alcohol. Having too many drinks can affect your memory as you get older. In the section, What Helps Boosts The Brain, having a healthy diet such as, eating vegetables including green varieties, beans, whole grains, mixed nuts, omega 3 containing seafood, poultry, extra-virgin olive oil, and one daily glass of wine. Also by taking out red meat, cheese, butter and stick margarine, sweets, fried and fast foods. Another tip is to exercise. Exercising "is a proven way to boost brain health." I learned that if you do an intense workout four hours after learning something, it'll help you remember it more likely. Yoga is another way and by staying busy. "Researchers at the University of Texas Center for Vital Longevity discovered that busyness was associated with better processing speed, working memory, episodic memory, reasoning and crystallized knowledge."
I clearly learned a lot from reading this article and I hope the same for you. I thought this author used education and enlightenment. She educated me by mentioning facts and quotes from people that understood the healthy and unhealthy habits we create for the brain. She also enlightened me by writing this article as a whole. Without it, besides if I wanted to randomly look up the causes on Google one day, I wouldn't have the knowledge I now have on this topic.
If you would like to check this article out:
Martha Stewarts: Living Magazine No.269 Nov.2016 Pg.62
Health: Good Living
By: Sally Wadyka
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